Looking for company name for mediation business
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Philip Deumer
- Category: Company name
- Total budget: € 149.00
- Start date : 11-02-2018 16:19
- Ending date : 24-03-2018 16:16
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 200
Response rate:
low high
Looking for company name for mediation business. Specializing in family affairs with a focus on divorces. Will primarily target senior couples in and around my hometown Huizen, in het Gooi.
Preferences with regards to the business name.
- Preferably in Dutch
- No preferences whether 'mediation' as a word is included in the business name
- Focus on area not in business name
Preferences with regards to the business name.
- Preferably in Dutch
- No preferences whether 'mediation' as a word is included in the business name
- Focus on area not in business name
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Remarij says
Familie + liaison. Liaison = zowel een verbindingspersoon/schakel/contact als een verbintenis/verhouding (geldt voor familie als zodanig en uiteraard echtelieden.
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Remarij says
over-en-weer is .com vrij
Philip Deumer says :
Dank Remarij, hou deze graag in beraad. Groet Philip
Remarij says
Dank je, leuk! Ik zie hier twee 'betekenissen' in: Over en weer in de zin van 'wederzijds/wederkerig/onder elkaar én 'Het is over, weer verder'.
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