Looking for company name for mediation business
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Philip Deumer
- Category: Company name
- Total budget: € 149.00
- Start date : 11-02-2018 16:19
- Ending date : 24-03-2018 16:16
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 200
Response rate:
low high
Looking for company name for mediation business. Specializing in family affairs with a focus on divorces. Will primarily target senior couples in and around my hometown Huizen, in het Gooi.
Preferences with regards to the business name.
- Preferably in Dutch
- No preferences whether 'mediation' as a word is included in the business name
- Focus on area not in business name
Preferences with regards to the business name.
- Preferably in Dutch
- No preferences whether 'mediation' as a word is included in the business name
- Focus on area not in business name
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Mint Multmedia
Description by designer Mint Multmedia:
.nl beschikbaar
Philip Deumer says :
Dag Mint, dank voor uw inzending. Zeker interessant en hou ze graag in beraad tot alle inzendingen binnen zijn. Vriendelijke groet, Philip
Mint Multmedia says
Beste meneer Deumer,
Geen dank. Ik wacht het rustig af.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Mint Multimedia
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer Mint Multmedia:
.nl beschikbaar
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.