Name for Coaching & Training Company
Contest details:
- Contest holder: NELA35
- Category: Company name
- Total budget: € 100.00
- Start date : 26-01-2017 20:52
- Ending date : 02-02-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 119
Response rate:
low high
Business sector: personal development, executive coaching, conferences on getting to know yourself better, increase teamwork efficiency, etc. for both individuals and companies.
The perfect name:
- .com is free
- the shorter the better
- easy to read, to understand, to remember, to spell
- no promises (greatlife, growrich, etc.)
My unique selling points as a coach: active listening, intuition, multiculturalism, inner calm, no judgement.
To give you an idea of what I like, names I've thought about but which are not available:
Good luck to you!
Company description:
Coaching, Training, Consulting
Business sector: personal development and executive coaching (but no personal trainer for sports!)
Target group:
Individuals and Companies
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer Némo:
All domain free
AIM = a purpose or intention, a desired outcome.
EMERSION = Movement of a body emerging from a fluid in which it was immersed.
(astrologie) Reappearance of a star plunged into the shadow during an eclipse.
A coaching that promotes the letting go, with your daily or the world of work. A coaching that will allow you to let the emotions emerge to achieve inner serenity! A unique experience at the service of communication between you and you, but also between you and the others!
It also includes the word AIMER (French) because you will love this letting go with your daily life and the sometimes oppressive world of work! In order to better find and bring your serenity regained favoring a beautiful positive energy, communication and sharing ...
decination : Aimergency (aim+ emergence+agency = Aimergency)
Némo says
We find in the proposition AIMERSION the word IMMERSION (imersion)
Plunge to the bottom of oneself, to make emerge the calm and the serenity -
NELA35 says :
Thank you Némo, very beautiful and creative thinking. I like it !
Némo says
Thank you Nela. Your return sounds like a reward for me. See you !
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Description by designer Némo:
All domaine free
Sweep (two ways differents)
Synonyms: sweeping, research, exploration, Probe inside, inner scan -
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Description by designer Némo:
Shoreline + inner = Shorelinner
All domaines free
Find calm by docking its inner shores
Accoster = Action to approach something until the touch,
Accost his inner shores to approach, and finally taste the calm
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Description by designer Némo:
All domaine free
A metaphor around the lagoon, the shoreline and the cord that connect them!
A lagoon, vast expanse of calm, shallow water ...
The cordon that connects the inland sea and the calm lagoon inland!
Vocabulary that evokes calm, serenity, sea air, lagoons, appeasement, .... -
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Description by designer Némo:
An inner quest to meet the "self" and regain its serenity
A coaching that welcomes your speech and your inner questions, without judgment! (Questing by a writing also evokes questioning)
all domains free -
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Description by designer Némo:
ekwanimity (phonétique Equanimity)
declination EQUANIMITYS (end in ys for analyse)
Synonyms: serenity calmness, tranquility, self-control, self-possession, serenity, balance, self-confidence,
Equanimity definition: equality of soul, of mood, is an affective disposition of detachment and serenity with regard to any sensation or evocation, pleasant or disagreeable. -
Némo says
Equanimity. nl is taken by solutions engineer Amsterdam and is for sale but dont know the price !!
Equanimity Coaching (second declination possible) -
NELA35 says :
Thank you. I like the idea behind it but find this word difficult to pronounce and spell
Only interested in free .com domaines. No .nl needed -
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Description by designer Némo:
all domain free
Inner+ Geyzer (sens of energize)
A coaching for a return to sources, internal sources, origins
The geyzer vehicle: well-being, calm, relaxation, warmth, gushing of the "self" "me"
Energy vehicle: positivism, good energy ... -
NELA35 says :
Don't like the geyzer part. -
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Description by designer Némo:
all domaine free
Groovy + inner = Groovynner (y for the two)
Groove + inner = Groovinner
Groove (rut, furrow) that one digs to sow, by the coaching, the positive thoughts and the councils, and then reap the fruits: the knowledge of either
Inner furrow is also to dig in the depths of his being to make his inner self emerge and finally to be fulfilled or finds the way to personal and professional victory
(winner in furrow and sound winner in groovinner§groovynner)
NELA35 says :
Nice thinking but not my style.
Némo says
ok ty
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Description by designer Némo:
all domain free
Be Lullinner, be better !
After a busy day, enjoy a lull to recharge your batteries with Lullinner. A trip to meet one's self through coaching and personalized training complemented by themed conferences
Némo says
lull + inner
(lull = calm, calm down, soothe, ease, appease, pause, break... -
NELA35 says :
Thank you, I love the idea however the word lull makes me think of lul which in Dutch means...penis!
Némo says
omg sorry !
NELA35 says :
Hahaha made me LOL
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Description by designer Némo:
all domain free
Glow + inner = inner glow, inner light and by extension inner peace
Glow + winner = find the light, the flame of victory, the one that helps you to become a winner, in everyday life or in your workplace
NELA35 says :
Nice thinking!
Némo says
Thank you.
NELA35 says :
I really like the way you explained this name. If I choose it, I'll use your inspiration for the pitch. Thanks again. Let's see what else comes up in the coming days.
Némo says
Thanks for the encouraging feedback. I will be happy to make the pitch if you choose this proposal. It will of course require a brief of the key words or key messages to convey. I draw your attention that I could write this pitch only in English (french and german if necessary), but not in Dutch (my pearl with "lull" for proof lol). For the moment nothing is acquired, so I will continue my research for the name of your project. A good evening to you!
NELA35 says :
Thank you. Where are you from?
Némo says
From France, about two hours from Paris and you, if that is not indiscreet? In the brief we see just a little English flag! But in the comment, I saw that you were speaking Dutch ...
NELA35 says :
I'm Dutch, living in France, 92 :)
Némo says
72 :) So, u speack french ?
NELA35 says :
Oui oui :)
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