strong international name for company specialized in road testing (asphalt and concrete surfaces)
Contest details:
- Contest holder: hjroeke
- Category: Company name
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 17-08-2016 15:59
- Ending date : 08-09-2016 15:58
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 207
Response rate:
low high
We are looking for a strong name for our company.
Our services are doing testing on asphalt and concrete surfaces for roads, airports, (container) terminals.
We were thinking of INFRATEST but unfortunately this name is in use already by a German Company.
We are using equipment from a company called Dynatest. Please check for more information
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer alberts:
Professioneel asfaltmetingen Allen domeinvrij
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Description by designer alberts:
MET = meten (ook in engelse taal : gecontroleerde hoeveelheid)
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Description by designer alberts:
metric = meting
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Description by designer alberts:
Testpave (klinkt als testcase :-)
Pave = rijweg
Alle domeinnamen zijn vrij! -
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Description by designer alberts:
gauge = peilen, meten
Alle domeinnamen zijn vrij! -
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Description by designer alberts:
infra explore
Alle domeinnamen zijn vrij!! -
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Description by designer alberts:
vises = controles, metingen
Alle domeinnamen zijn vrij!
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Description by designer alberts:
Bitum = asfalt
Alle domeinnamen zijn vrij!! -
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Description by designer alberts:
caryy = dragen en vervoeren in 1 woord
testcarry Alle domeinen zijn vrij! -
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Description by designer alberts:
carry = dragen én vervoeren in 1 woord
infracarry Alle domeinen zijn vrij! -
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Description by designer alberts:
Domeinnamen zijn allen beschikbaar!
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Description by designer alberts:
Domeinnamen zijn vrij!
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Description by designer alberts: en domeinvrij
Test voor wegen -
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