Cool logo and business card for a trendy book site for kids!
Contest details:
- Contest holder: jonathan.bailie 1
- Category: Illustration, drawing, fashion print
- Total budget: € 179.00
- Start date : 07-03-2016 20:53
- Ending date : 14-03-2016 20:52
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 45
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
This is a logo and business card for a reading program for kids and parents.
Target group:
This is a monthly reading adventure parents and kids use to select books to read, games and activities with the books, and ideas on how to make the reading fun!
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Blues: Knowledge, trust, calm and honesty.
Light neutrals: Purity, balance and sophistication.
Description by designer bravica:
Boje su odabrane u skladu sa zahtevima klijenta-plava kao dominantna na logou i vizitkartama (prednja i zadnja strana). Mašnu na knjigama sam nacrtala tako da simbolizuje dva slova R koja su u nazivu klijentovog sajta - mašna bi trebalo da doprinese veselosti i vedrini, ali je ipak minimalna i elegantna, iako je reč o knjigama za decu. Ukoliko Vam se osnovna ideja dopada, spremna sam da poradim na izmenama i korekcijama.
bravica says
The colors have been chosen in accordance with client's requests - blue as predominant color on logo and business cards (front and back). The bow is drawn so that it symbolizes two letters "R" that are contained in the name of client's website. The bow is supposed to contribute to cheerfulness but still remains minimal and elegant at the same time. If you like the idea, I am ready to work on any necessary changes and corrections.
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Description by designer bravica:
Logo i vizit karte (prednja i zadnja strana) su u skladu sa bojama koje je klijent zahtevao, tačkasta knjiga simbolizuje zabavnu, dečju literatutu koja se razlikuje od "ozbiljnih" knjiga za odrasle, a može asocirati i na knjigu koja je upakovana kao poklon. Slovo R je dominantno, pošto se dva puta pojavljuje u nazivu sajta. Naravno, ukoliko je osnovna ideja prihvatljiva, mogu uneti bilo kakve potrebne korekcije.
bravica says
Logo and business cards (front and back) are created in accordance with client's color choice and the dotted book symbolizes fun, children's literature which differs from serious books for adult readers. It can also be related to a book that is wrapped in paper as a gift. The letter R is predominant since it appears twice in the title of the website, Of course, if you like basic idea, I am willing to make any necessary changes and alterations.
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