Design the new logo and business card for the biggest science/tech-startup global organization
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Xavier.duportet
- Category: Illustration, drawing, fashion print
- Total budget: € 279.00
- Start date : 05-03-2016 15:09
- Ending date : 12-03-2016 15:07
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 57
Response rate:
low high
Business Card: logo on the front, data on the back.
What we would like:
- either create a more modern version of our original diamond logo (attached) - preferred option since we believe that the science startups we help are rare gems / or a completely new logo
=> An agency proposed us a new version of the logo (logo below the original diamond version on the attached Logos file) and:
• we don't like the H because it kinda look like a comic book style and the H by itself does not mean anything
• but we like the new style, font (gotham variant) of the "hello tomorrow" phrase (we kinda like when Hello Tomorrow is written next to / below the logo, since this is how people know us until now) but also the colors they used.
The goal here is really to have a logo that people can associate with the brand Hello Tomorrow, wether or not it contains the H and T in the logo, it has to be a distinctive shape.
Company description:
We represent an global non-profit organisation that promote and help science entrepreneurs who develop disruptive technologies in their lab and transform them intro products to have a positive impact on society.
We organise events and conference all over the world and the biggest international science startup competition.
The logo should be abstract/minimal/futuristic, can be bold, needs to represent innovation, science and technology.
Target group:
We work with NASA, Google, MIT, Deepmind, CNRS, Institut Pasteur etc etc.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Keep the same shiny green color (#33FFCC) as a baseline for the logo & text, the dark blue (48365e) is nice for background.
Here is our current booklet so that you see our style and better understand what Hello Tomorrow is about (warning, we designed this ourselves and it is too dark, not optimistic enough): =>
Here are logo types we like for inspiration: (this one is supercool :))…-pictures/
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