Designers Champions League design for start up
Contest details:
- Contest holder: GalaGo
- Category: Illustration, drawing, fashion print
- Total budget: € 369.00
- Start date : 02-12-2021 15:47
- Ending date : 09-12-2021 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files:
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 69
Response rate:
low high
Demands: Modern (5/10) - Young (7,5/10) - Man/Female (5/10) - Playfulness (7,5/10) - Luxury (5/10) - Geometric (5/10) - Abstract (5/10)
Colour Palletes: Purple included
Target: Multicultural, male/female, 30-50 years old, working in food industry
We are receiving complaints over copy-paste acts from several artists. Wether or not any rules are broken here, is not up to GalaGo, but the platfrom Brandsupply that is facilitating in this. GalaGo is offering a reward for the design that fits the above profile the most. That is what we need.
Yet, if the winning design turns out to be obvious copy-behaviour, we will approach the original designer first and offer him or her the opportunity to finalize the original design according to our final feedback.
Making copy-behaviour useless, we request all designers to focus on the designs, and do a request on your personal inspiration as well as we believe the field of the food-sector is wide enough to do so. Thank you and good luck.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
A cute, playful GalaGo with a high cuddling factor must be included. The playfulness should be used to make sure it will not only be attractive to female and younger public, but men as well.
Company Slogan: Have GalaGo.
Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
GalaGo says :
We think the tail is too predominant, the other Galago you used is more basic and recognizable as well. Focus on that one. What we do like about this one is the fact that the letter 'G' in GalaGo is capital or somehow recognizable as mentioned in previous feedback. Yet, we advise you to focus on the other logo you have designer for us. Good luck.
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
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Description by designer DD TOPENG:
GalaGo says :
Receiving written feedback makes your design among the better ones submitted so far. Yet, this is Champions League and we look for the Ronaldo in your designer skills.
We are ambitious and looking for this little extra that makes it basic, recognizable, yet differ itself from any other company that may call itself GalaGo already or might do so in future. Judging by the time you managed to design this, we are confident you will have even more capacity in you to do so. Compliments for designing the cuteness factor we are looking for, the heart-shaped nose that is turned does it; cute but not too cute.
Furthermore, we understand that what we are going to ask you for is complicated since the name is missing any link with the subject, but we are somewhat missing a link with food in all logos so far. It somewhat looks you have been struggling with finalizing the tail and where and how to end it. Possibly, you could use anything related to food in doing so. We will welcome all personal input and inspiration from your side, but will give you the same free tip as we have given someone else; don't use all capital letters since the company is called GalaGo with reason. The letter 'l' in GalaGo could be turned into a subtle fork for example. Don't worry too much about the colours, we like the black and yellow in these designs and could always turn it into white and purple if we decide otherwise. We will look through it, just make sure you keep focus on the logo itself.
Good luck, you have good cards so far. Impress us and show us what differs you from the other good designs submitted so far. -
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