Sleek business card for Telephone repair shop
Contest details:
- Contest holder: trlmobile
- Category: Illustration, drawing, fashion print
- Total budget: € 129.00
- Start date : 23-12-2020 11:04
- Ending date : 30-12-2020 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files:
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 37
Response rate:
low high
We would like to see the following points return to the business card, but that is not an obligation. The sentences below may also be worded differently if it looks nicer or better on the business cards.
* Repair to Smartphones, Tablets, Notebooks and Desktops
* Sales of new and used appliances
* Sale of mobile subscriptions
* Sale of accessories
* Service and maintenance
Our current logo should be on the business cards, as well as our contact details.
Telefoon Reparatie Limburg
Julianalaan 6
6042JG Roermond
+31 (0) 475 85 85 63
There are no obligations for the background or colors, but we think it would be nice to see something of a broken Smartphone on the cards, as well as the blue colors of our logo, but this is not an obligation!
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
trlmobile says :
WOW! It looks amazing! Thankyou.
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mihawk says
please feedback so that I can work better for you.
because your satisfaction is my main priority.
Thank you.
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trlmobile says :
Geachte ontwerper,
Hartelijk dank voor je ontwerp, tot op heden vinden wij deze een van de mooiste van de ontvangen inzendingen. Echter gaat er iets mis bij het weergeven van ons logo, aangezien het eerste gedeelte wegvalt op de achtergrond. Verder zie ik graag de tekst in het Nederlands, en de icoontjes bij ons email adres en webadres dienen omgekeerd te worden (deze staan niet in de juiste volgorde). Waar nu ''your name /. your position'' staat zie ik graag ''contact'' staan) Ik ben benieuwd. Succes!!! -
trlmobile says :
Dear designer,
Thank you very much for your design, to date we think it is one of the most beautiful of the received entries. However, something goes wrong when displaying our logo, as the first part is disappeared in the background. I would also like to see the text in Dutch, and the icons for our email address and web address should be reversed (these are not in the correct order). Where now '' your name /. your position '' stands I would like to see '' contact '') I am curious. Good luck!!! (p.s. i'm talking about the top design.) -
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