Live Stats Sports App
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Pbaynj
- Category: iPhone-App Design
- Total budget: € 349.00
- Start date : 26-11-2012 07:38
- Ending date : 25-12-2012 07:33
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: psd,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 12
Response rate:
low high
I have included a sample file under the compressed file entitled Example. I would like this much detail so that you can I can create a prototype from the final file that is similar to
Functions of the app
The app is used to provide live play by play action of the games for basketball, football, soccer and wrestling. Each time a point is scored, attempted and missed, or there is a new possession, the app users are notified on the screen.
Users are able to view deals that are going on locally. The deals will be pulled from and placed as a banner on the top portion of the live stats feed. These banners, once clicked, will be in a groupon style of advertisemet. The coupon will be purchasable from the app and just like groupon it will have a timmer on it.
Users can also take pictures at the event, hash tag the photos and then submit them. Pictures are then voted either up or down based on the other users opinion. It does not state who submitted the photo. The hash tags are used to indicate which event the picture was taken at and a caption is added as well.
The admin user is the one who can submit the scores that are displayed on the live stats page.
Screen Number 1
The first page is the screen that displays the logo and credits the developer.
Screen Number 2
The second screen will be the home page screen that displays horizontal tabs. These are not drop down tabs, but they have a good amount of height to them. The first tab displays pictures that have been taken at local events. This first tab also has the camera icon so that users can take pictures and submit them. The next tab within that screen will display the sponsors, and the last tab will display games that are presently going on, or at least games that scheduled in our system. When a user clicks on the deal, they can then process to purchase the mobile coupon from their phone app. Each of these tabs a user can slide through.
Screen number 3
The next screen is for the users to view the game. This screen shows the progress of the game. If a user is an admin, they can login to have control of the points that are submitted.
How Points are Submitted By the Game Admin On his Screen number 3
The points are submitted with a slide screen below the live stats feed that I would assume is submitted as a live message board style. The points and progress of the game are submitted through icons that are different for each sport. If it is basketball, then there is an icon to display a 2 point shot, a 3 point shot, a foul shot, a missed shot, possession of ball. The quarter, time etc.
If the sport is football then there will be icons for team possession, first downs, what yard the ball is on etc.
Other sports can be discussed later, but the idea is that the admin submits information through icons.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Must Have
Screen one is the welcome screen. I would like to give you credit for your work, but lets make it look classy and creative!
If there are any questions about the game, users can submit this information and other users are able to answer these questions. Each question is organized in its own tab and time stamped. The answers are voted up or down in the tab where the question was submitted. Users can also submit ideas for us to implement on the next version of the app. Placement is up to your discretion!
Good to have
Feel free to move around the screen if you feel it would make the user experience better!
Description by designer NativeBird:
I think I don't think i got your description... But here is an example of what i can do. I took pieces of your website to make them match together. Was that what you want ?
If you tell me exactly what you want, i'm sure i'll can do it. I can do evereything ;) -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.