Are you the unique designerwho dares to think out of the box ans who is able to give shape to our message?
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Eric Feitsma
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 09-12-2013 14:48
- Ending date : 28-01-2014 14:40
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf, png,
- Relevant files: None
- Available languages:
- Number of designs: 145
Response rate:
low high
Company description: is a website where on an easy, accessible way a limited selection of superfoods is presented. Superfoods is a term you often find in specialty stores, but also increasingly in major supermarkets. Superfoods are natural foods that contain excessive amounts of nutrients. Most healthy foods have two or three special properties that are good for your health, super foods often contain 12 or more special features. The unique and also characteristic of superfoods is that these foods are extremely rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants.
Also specific superfoods for sports performance will be offered, such as the products of But also chia seeds ( in an attractive package. So no infinite range, but a range with a sophisticated selection of already known much needed products.
Target group:
Superfoods have still a not interesting, good, durable, slow, unfair, "green", unrecognizable, responsible "hugger" image, which is still only interesting for a relatively small group.
We do not want to participate in that. We from are looking for a new logo / image which is: clearly, recognizable, attractive, accessible, tough, fast, sleek, high-quality, clear, fresh, sexy, for men and women who embrace life, the family that lives in the present, with courage, with power, with humor, health, tasteful, class, sporty, no limits, for young and old, for anyone who loves life, for all who care about their health, but also appreciate the good life, who do not complain, no nonsense, etc.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
4+ says
Ja Eric Feitsma, dat wordt dan een hele uitdaging om van iets dat sexy is, tenminste dat heb ik getracht uit te beelden met behulp van deze "super" gevormde perzik, nu een stoere uitstraling te geven.
Het is waar, soms wordt het allemaal wat duidelijker door voorbeelden wat je eigenlijk wilt.
Moeilijk wordt het wanneer je er teveel verschillende karakters in wilt stoppen!
Nog groter is de uitdaging, als ik geen feedback tussendoor ontvang.
Dat hoeft geen compliment te zijn maar gewoon wat je er van vindt.
Alvast bedankt.
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