Cool logo for selfdefence work out
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Kyoudai
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 120.00
- Start date : 22-08-2017 14:32
- Ending date : 05-09-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 48
Response rate:
low high
We are a school in martial arts from Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
When you think about Rotterdam, than you think of…..exactly Bokito!!! The escaped silverback gorilla from Blijdorp zoo is the inspiration of the name that we chooses to use for the lessons where bootcamp, cardio boxing and self-defence is blended to one work-out/self-defence program.
The letters B and O are the first letters of the large monkey BOkito and BOotcamp, Boxing and Body protection (self-defence).
For our KONG BO classes we are looking for a logo. The audience where we focus on the first place are woman and girls that are looking for a self-defence program and at the same time a work-out to work on their body shape.
A character/logo with a female look is maybe an idea. Or maybe that a kettle bell that we use a lot, or boxing gloves/bag or/and the eastern rising sun can be process in the logo. But be creative, we like to be surprised!
Good luck!
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
ChrisD says
This time with the right name :)
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Kyoudai says :
Dear designer, for about one week I received some designs from several designers. The received designs caused me to think about the logo. Because you are one of the designers that's attracts me the most, I'd like to ask if you want to make a proposal for a design with the following requirements:
-Kong Bo in letters
-The letters having a cool font
- The last O of Kong Bo contains a kettlebell insight, but the kettlebell looks also as gorilla face. As an unprofessional as I am, I played a little bit with this Idea. File 3 in the attachment I added a sketch. A little detail: the nose of the monkey are two boxing gloves. The font is random.
Not a requirement, but maybe an idea is to process in the first O / the O of kong broken bars of a prison or a broken chain! I don’t know if that’s cool…
But be creative and I stand open for your ideas again.
Kind regards
Kyoudai says :
Beste designer, voor ongeveer een week heb ik ontwerpen mogen ontvangen van verschillende designers. De ontvangen ontwerpen hebben mij aan het denken gezet. Omdat jij één van de designers bent waarvan ik ben gecarmeerd, zou ik je willen vragen of je een voorstel wil doen van een ontwerp met de volgende punten:
- Kong Bo in letters
- Kong Bo in stoer lettertype
- De laaste O van Kong Bo bevat een kettlebell. Deze kettlebel lijkt op een gorilla gezicht. Als een unprofessional als ik ben, heb ik gespeeld met dit idea. In bestand 3 in de bijlage heb ik een schets toegevoegd. Een klein detail in mijn ontwerp is de neus van de gorilla, dit zijn twee bokshandschoenen. De lettertype is willekeurig.
Geen vereiste, maar misschien is het leuk om van de eerste O / de O van Kong gebroken trailies of een gebroken ketting te verwerken.
Wees weer creatief en ik sta open voor jouw ideeen.
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Kyoudai says :
Dear designer, Thanks for the designs.
Kyoudai says :
The name is Kong Bo;)
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