Create a logo for a new CrossFit box
Contest details:
- Contest holder: CrossFitHeerlen
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 100.00
- Start date : 02-02-2016 18:20
- Ending date : 20-02-2016 17:21
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf,png
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 85
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics and other exercises.
Target group:
Everyone (18+) who wants to live a healthy lifestyle.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Be inspired by the original CrossFit logo and CrossFit Games logo (in particular, the outline). Impact font must be used and logo must contain the registered trademark symbol. Logo may contain strong graphics (i.e. kettlebell, barbell, plyobox, jumprope, etc). Taglines: 'EST 2015', 'Garage Gym' en '(Im)prove your fitness'. See also feedback high rated designs.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Kindly see my last design. My limit of 15 designs submitted over.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Nice design!
- please delete the parenthesises 'improve' instead of '(im)prove' but leave 'im' Italic
- make the upper two barbell plates black -
AbsolutDesign says
I had made the changes but project time is over :(
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Revised design
CrossFitHeerlen says :
You're close!
- delete the parenthesises
- barbell with plates must be black -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
CrossFitHeerlen says :
+ overal design
- use capitals only for taglines
- use Italic for 'IM' in 'IMPROVE'
- maybe write 'EST '15' instead of 'EST 2015' to make it look more symmetric.
You're close! -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
CrossFitHeerlen says :
See feedback high rated designs
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Kindly look towards it and let me know if there are any other changes to be made.
Thanks! -
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Nice design but not really the strong look and feel what we're looking for. The outlining is too simple maybe
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
CrossFitHeerlen says :
+ contains what we're looking for
- too simple outlining
- no tagline 'Garage Gym' -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Dear CH, I had made the changes as per your instructions. Kindly look towards it and let me know. Thank you,
CrossFitHeerlen says :
+ contains what we're looking for
- unlogical outlining
- not the strong look and feel
- no tagline 'Garage Gym'
+/- too many details -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Kindly see the revised draft and let me know if there are any other changes to be made. Thanks
CrossFitHeerlen says :
+ outlining
+ Kettlebell graphic
+ (realistic) barbell graphic
- no Impact font
- simple outlining
+/- use of capitals only
+/- red kettlebell (maybe black looks better) -
CrossFitHeerlen says :
+/- 'Since 2015' instead of 'EST 2015'
+/- no tagline (Im)prove your fitness' -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
CrossFitHeerlen says :
See previous feedback
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Dear CH, Awaiting for your valuable feedback. Thanks
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Great design
- no registered trademark symbol (®)
- no realistic barbell plates (see previous feedback)
+/- use of capitals only
- no outlining
- no taglines 'EST 2015', 'Garage Gym' and '(Im)prove your fitness'
I really like this design. Maybe I like the black kettlebell more with 'EST 2015' in white. Thanks for your effort! -
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Correction: you did use 'EST 2015' so I mean '- no taglines 'Garage Gym' and '(Im)prove your fitness'
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Dear CH, Kindly look towards it and let me know if there are any other changes to be made. Thank you,
CrossFitHeerlen says :
+ Impact font
+ Kettlebell graphic
+ Barbell graphic
+ EST 2015
+ outlining
- Spacing 'HEERLEN'
- No tagline, i.e. 'Garage Gym' or '(im)prove your fitness'
- too many details (stars)
- barbell graphic is not realistic (barbell plates have the same height, they only differ in thickness if plates are heavier)
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Awaiting for your valuable feedback. Thanks
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Nice design! But not exactly what we're looking for.
+ look and feel / design
+ use of strong graphics
- no outlining (see file 3 for example)
- no Impact font
- no registered trademark symbol -
CrossFitHeerlen says :
This design looks great but the barbell plates we use at CrossFit have the same height (heavier plates are thicker). I wonder how this design looks like with the same outlining as the CrossFit Games logo. You may use the tagline 'Garage Gym' and below that 'Since 2015' for example. Please take also above feedback in mind. Thank you for your effort!
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Or 'Established in 2015' instead of 'Since 2015' is also possible.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Dear CH, Awaiting for your valuable feedback. Thanks
CrossFitHeerlen says :
Nice design
+ shield/outlining design (see file 3 for better example)
+ strong design
- text effect (Impact font?)
- no registered trademark symbol
- too many details -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer AbsolutDesign:
Dear Project Holder,
Kindly look towards it and let me know if there are any other changes to be made.
Thank you -
CrossFitHeerlen says :
See feedback other designs
+ use of 2 colors -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.