Create emailbanner
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Veiling
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 109.00
- Start date : 22-07-2016 17:54
- Ending date : 26-08-2016 01:00
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 26
Response rate:
low high
We also want to have our Trustpilot score visible (the amount of reviews in the text below the stars needs to be adjusted) and that we have been chosen as the number 1 penny auction site by "VeilingsitesErvaringen" (image attached)
Please only use attached materials, except from the part which has to make clear that we auction products starting from € 0,01, that's just to give you an idea of what we think it should look like (Google on the words "Penny auction theme" to find more productcombinations regarding the television, camera, phone etc)
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
No comments
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Description by designer xiilll:
dear veiling,
u dont send to me a mail and my inbox is empty.
so, i translated your message with google translate and it was too hard.
however, i tried for solve to your request. its my trying with broken machine translate.
please send me your request as english for better result. -
Veiling says :
The request to adjust was towards the designer of that example, not to you. You're now copying someone else's work.
xiilll says
it's weird!!
u put a comment under my first work. u explain your requests as german language, and i asked to you as english language and u asked me my mail...[u remember? it's a fact and you can see your comment in my first work, now]
u have not mailed me and i translated your comment with google translate. that was too difficult.
now, u tell me that request was not for me!!!!!!!!!! that was to someone!!!!!!!
u tell me i am copying!!
it's weird, so weird.
yeah, i changed my work a little bit but it's not copy.
i deleted my new sending and i will send a new work with matching your request and my first work exactly.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer xiilll:
no comment
Veiling says :
Goedenavond, dinsdag willen wij een winnaar kiezen. Er zijn nog 2 andere mogelijke winnaars over, daarom nog even feedback:
Graag ons logo als eerste met daaronder de lijn zoals in uw voorbeeld. Daarna komen de productafbeeldingen met tekst: "alles vanaf 0,01". Daarna komt de lijn naar de afbeelding van het logo van veilingsite ervaringen plus tekst (die u nu onder ons logo heeft geplaatst) met daaronder de afbeelding van de beker, met de tekst Biedveilingen en het gedeelte van best beoordeelde. Vervolgens een lijn naar de Trustpilot sterren en het aantal. Graag dit aantal wijzigen naar de tekst: 9.2 op basis van 1500+ beoordelingen, indien mogelijk met een vergelijkbare font als in voorbeeld. -
xiilll says
sorry sir,
but i dont understand.
plz, use English language. -
Veiling says :
Can i email you the changes I want ? I can explain, but think it's going to be a long story
xiilll says
Yeah, sure.
Feel free and explain to me whatever you want. -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.