Design a DJ logo!
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Invisto
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 100.00
- Start date : 21-05-2017 14:38
- Ending date : 04-06-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 66
Response rate:
low high
The character of Invisto can be described as energetic, cheerful and enthusiastic. Invisto's music style is diverse (flexible), catchy and recognizable. The music he plays is aimed at a positive vibe and a energetic flow.
The logo must consist of the letters 'Invisto' and any lines and colors. The logo may include an emblem (see the attached files 'voorbeeld 1 & 2). I am imagining a minimalistic and elegant/well-rounded logo (not right-angled). This can be seen on the sketch I enclosed. The main color has to be orange (setting sun, positivity & energy). The base colors can be dark blue or a combination of black / white / gray, but you are allowed to change that to whatever you like.
In addition to the version of the coloured logo, I would like to receive a black and white version too!
Tip: designing a logo close to the sketch I made has a high chance of winning!
Company description:
DJ who plays and produces electronic dance music.
Target group:
18 - 50
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Invisto says :
Can you also make one with a 'normal' S (in the same font as the other characters) for me? And then I'm wondering wich one you like the most for a DJ?
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krisi says
this is original "s" from this font.
I think previous version is more interesting.
Krisi -
Invisto says :
Thank you!
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Invisto says :
Great, I like the top of the S in this way, thank you. I think the first one will become my new logo! Can you check one more time if the thickness of all characters is the same (looks like the middle of the S is a bit thicker) and place it with the different backgrounds like you did before? :) Greetss
Invisto says :
Great, I like the top of the S in this way, thank you. I think the first one will become my new logo! Can you check one more time if the thickness of all characters is the same (looks like the middle of the S is a bit thicker) and place it with the different backgrounds like you did before? :) Greetss
Invisto says :
Doublepost excuse moi
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krisi says
This is something in between... :)
Invisto says :
Great! Thank you! I'm gonna compare some designs together with friends and family. I will come back at you in a few days!
Invisto says :
I got some feedback from others. Can you change the top of the S to a 'normal' S? For instance like in the last design which 'guffa' submitted, I like the top of that S. The color in your last design is great by the way. And last; can you make one version with the tail of the S in the same thickness as the whole S? I don't know if it's better or not, so it would be great if you can make one so I can imagine and compare :)
Thanks in advance,
Invisto -
krisi says
thanks for this feedback.
I will work on it.
Krisi -
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krisi says
here logo with corrections :)
Krisi -
Invisto says :
Thanks! Tail is better like this :)
Invisto says :
Bit doubting about the color at the moment. Which one do you like more? Or better something in between? Im gonna ask some more people
krisi says
I think both looks good.... on dark background lighter orange look better....but in white background darker look better... :)
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krisi says
Thank you for using English :)
Is easier for me in that way.
Here logo with corrections.
Let me know if I can be more helpful.
Krisi -
Invisto says :
Can you make the tail of the S a bit shorter, so that it ends right in between the bottom of the font and the outline? And I forgot about the orange color! Can you make it a bit darker? I'm thinking of RGB 255,100,0 :)
Invisto says :
Which orange color did you use here? And which orange one do you like more?
krisi says
here color is RGB 247, 148, 30
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krisi says
here logo with corrections.
Let me know if you want to make some other changes.
Krisi -
Invisto says :
Thanks you Krisi! And I'm sorry for typing in Dutch all time ;) Looks very good. The only improvements which can be made now in my opinion are: a thinner outline like in your previous concept and the same distance from the outline to the font at the left side, right side, top and bottom. If you don't understand me, don't hesitate to ask me! Thanks in advance!
Invisto says :
By the way, I like to have the distance between the outline and the font a bit bigger as the distance between the characters themself. In this way it is easier to focus on the name 'invisto' without the outline interupting/distracting that focus.
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Invisto says :
Het lettertype vind ik hier erg goed! De bovenkant van de S wil ik wel graag evenhoog als de rest van de letters, en even dik als de rest van de letters (behalve het 'staartje' misschien, ik weet niet of het mooi is als die even dik is als de andere letters). Ik vind het mooi dat het lijntje eromheen iets minder dik is (mag zelfs nog wel iets dunner), daar zou ik de hoeken graag nog scherper zien (maar wel met een ronding zoals nu).
krisi says
Thank you for your comment.
I will work on it.
Krisi -
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Invisto says :
Ziet er goed uit!De S vind ik erg mooi hier evenals de lijn eromheen die de S 'kruist'. De letters zou ik wel graag sierlijker zien (lees: zonder hoeken), in hoofdletters en wat verder uit elkaar. Het lijntje eromheen zou ik ook graag zonder hoeken zien.
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