Design a modern logo for Turkish coffee
Contest details:
- Contest holder: ametimir
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 100.00
- Start date : 16-12-2015 13:56
- Ending date : 14-01-2016 13:28
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 197
Response rate:
low high
The logo has to be: catchy, western, recognizable, up to date, modern, abstract and renewed.
In the future there will be other products in our product line beside coffee. For example: candles, home cosmetics, chocolate, Turkish delight, wine, liqueur, cups etc. The logo has to be free from coffee. Please keep in mind for integration of other products.
Company description:
Modernised and renewed oriëntal products.
Target group:
Everyone who want's to treath themeselfs with Turkish coffee and other luxury specialty goods.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Our products are "etnical" but we don't want our logo to be much etnical.
Axel Sonnet
Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
Grey version
ametimir says :
To ethnic. Check out
WE want Something near their logo. -
ametimir says :
I Like your Logo design a lot. Could you put something else instead of the Turkish flag?
Axel Sonnet says
Replacing the turkish flag is replacing the whole concept.
I would love working on another concept (like bluebeard) but i can't afford working more on your logo as the price is very low.
That said,it was a pleasure to work on your brand.
Good luck with your business ! -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
Clean and professional logo with strong identity.
I'm french so please, feedback in english, thanks ! -
UrosCuoreSportivo says
This is awesome man! I'm not participating in this contest, I've just took a peak to see the suggestions. I would just change the font, it's to stiff.
Great work! -
Axel Sonnet says
Thanks mate! I really appreciate your comment, you're totally right for the font, unfortunately, this is a 60 dol logo so i can't afford working any more on it.
Good luck with your contests ! -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.