Design an associative logo for an innovative (DUTCH!) print and distribution shop
Contest details:
- Contest holder: HPGroup
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 21-09-2016 11:54
- Ending date : 24-09-2016 11:52
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: psd,ai,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 55
Response rate:
low high
We have previously started a contest, but are not yet satisfied with the originality of the entries and the association with what we do.
Please note that we will only rate entries at the end of the contest, to stimulate innovative designs!
- Name:
- Please don't give (extra) attention to the word "drop". The webshop is about "doordrop" media (letterbox advertising). FYI "drop" in Dutch means a type of candy so wrong association!
- ".nl" Should also be in the logo
- Dimensions: long logo
- Keep the logo clean and simple
- Colors: Black / white and orange (C0 M64 Y100 K0) - please show the logo on a black and white background
- Design a logo which subtly refers to what we do:
- is a webshop where (r)etailers can arrange the distribution of their printed matter quickly, easily and for a good price.
- Logo should appear QUALITATIVE. We have good prices, but also provide opportunity to more expensive, more qualitative distributions/soluitions.
- stands for independence (choice between all national distribution networks), innovation and efficiency-enhancing solutions.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Cedric B
Description by designer Cedric B:
Hallo, hier is een nieuwe versie van het logo. Ik veranderde de kleuren om te verblijven in oranje tinten. Dit elimineert ook de behoefte aan schaduw. Met vriendelijke groet,
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Description by designer Cedric B:
aandachtig versie van de eerste
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HPGroup says :
Dag Cedric, bedankt voor je ontwerpen. Degene met het 'echte' papieren vliegtuigje spreekt ons het meest aan. Alleen op zwart valt de schaduw weg. Wellicht is lichtgrijze schaduw dan een oplossing? Daarnaast zijn we benieuwd wat je ervan zou maken als er "drukwerkverspreiding" onder zou komen staan en het vliegtuigje hiervoor. Zou je dat nog voor ons kunnen uitwerken? MVG, Merel Zimmerman
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Description by designer Cedric B:
Met vriendelijke groet ,
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