Contest details:
- Contest holder: KennisMatch
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 07-10-2015 14:49
- Ending date : 28-10-2015 14:44
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: psd,ai,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 75
Response rate:
low high
For the graphical part in further communication I will use stock photos, see attached files for an impression .
Company description:
Hands-on, for more enjoyment, more living for pleasure and more job satisfaction.
Hands-on creates opportunities for paid employment for people who are vulnerable to
labor market.
Hands-on start jobseeker fifties and may at a later stage
people from other groups inflows.
Hands-on is a nationwide network of social enterprises which besides the
entrepreneur two to five employees are active.
Hands-on activities conducted in and around the home / office / company / shop where
you do not deserve, do not feel that the knowledge does not have to. It's about
work for which you are not a professional craftsman as a contractor,
plumber, electrician or carpenter would hire.
Hands-on work with a subscription system for a fixed monthly fee
a staff member at regular intervals along to the customer for the performance of
the work. Execution in blocks of two hours.
Hands-on customers can choose in addition to the subscription for the implementation of additional
work on an ad hoc basis.
Hands-On offers the services to neighborhood-oriented. Are on a fixed day in the month
work for all customers in the district performed. In the ideal situation
multiple employees simultaneously in the same street to work.
Target group:
• Dual-earners who want to have more free time.
• Children who want to have well organized for the parents.
• Parents who want to have well organized for the children.
• Single and Single parent families who do not belong to the execution of the work.
• Owners of holiday , student , rentals, business center.
• Entrepreneurs .
• Retailers .
Colors, favourites and other requirements
The logo contains the main color is blue and like a suitable spot there.
The logo must be square.
Background logo is transparent.
The name of the organization should not be a part of the logo , it is therefore more a figurative mark . Name is in communication or as a caption added .
Receiving file must be vector based layered , each element of the design is included in a separate layer.
GerardG says
Ik heb de verhouding object en hand aangepast.
KennisMatch says :
dank je, is beter zo.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
GerardG says
Bijgaand een idee voor invulling van de verschillende werkzaamheden. Eveniueelkan dat ook met fotomateriaal.
KennisMatch says :
Hier krijg ik wel een goed gevoel bij. wellicht verhouding handje en object veranderen zodat handje wat prominenter naar voren komt t.o.v. het object.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
GerardG says
Beste opdrachtgever,
Bijgaand een logo voorstel.
Uiteraard zijn aanpassingen in kleur of vorm nog mogelijk.
Feedback stel ik graag op prijs.
Met vriendelijke groet, Gerard
PS. Om het ontwerp echt goed te bekijken: met rechter muisknop erop klikken en dan (afhankelijk van de browser) kiezen ’afbeelding bekijken’, ’link openen in nieuw venster’ of ’koppeling openen in nieuw venster’. -
KennisMatch says :
Dank voor je inzending. Kleurstelling vind ik wel mooi bij elkaar passen, lekker helder. Hoe ze je de invulling richting de verschillende werkzaamheden die we doen?
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.