Logo - Blog - Classic/basic with an eye catcher!
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Shaki
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 329.00
- Start date : 06-01-2016 15:00
- Ending date : 18-01-2016 14:54
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 141
Response rate:
low high
Thank you for opening my assignment to create a logo for my blog.
Unfortunately I just lost my job but I see this as an opportunity to start my dream.
I'm happily married and mother of a son who is now 1,5 years old and I'm also pregnant of a second boy! So a lot of inspiration to share on the blog.
I have a big passion for photography and love to be creative, beside this I like to share my life with the world. The reason to start a blog, "MINI AND ME"
After the blog I want to add a webshop to the site with basics clothing for baby boys. I notice during the baby time of my son I missed a lot of simple basics for a good price. BUT first I will start my blog.
The logo needs to be very clear, I like to see a logo that includes a cool font for the name of the blog: "MINI AND ME"
Artwork like a carton/drawing etc is not necessary but if you think it will add something to the logo, I'm totally open for your ideas. The font needs to be a real eye catcher but the title needs to be clear and well readable. My style is classic but with a trendy finishing touch. Basic is my middle name but always with a nice eye catcher. You will find this in my fashion style, photography and personal lifestyle. For my logo I wish the same ingredients.
I wish you all good luck and I'm looking forward to your creations.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
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designer: Designmonkey.nl
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designer: v3
designer: v3
designer: v3
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designer: aditya.singh121
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designer: DeOntwerper
designer: Sapaosa
designer: Sapaosa
designer: VandenHulDesign
designer: VandenHulDesign
designer: Designmonkey.nl
designer: Designmonkey.nl
designer: Designmonkey.nl
designer: Designmonkey.nl
designer: V.
designer: V.
designer: Sapaosa
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designer: MikesDesign
designer: Ons Aissa
designer: Ons Aissa
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designer: avdorovar
designer: jalalain
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designer: Ons Aissa
designer: Ons Aissa
designer: Ons Aissa
designer: nikola1122
designer: Ons Aissa
designer: 2ND
designer: Y-graphic design
designer: VandenHulDesign
designer: VandenHulDesign
designer: jalalain
designer: VirtualLies
designer: jalalain
designer: 2ND
designer: Ons Aissa
designer: Y-graphic design
designer: Y-graphic design
designer: VirtualLies
designer: nikola1122
designer: V.
designer: V.
designer: Genius
designer: MikesDesign
designer: aditya.singh121
designer: aditya.singh121
designer: VirtualLies
designer: VirtualLies
designer: VirtualLies
designer: VirtualLies
designer: MikesDesign
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designer: avdorovar
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designer: freebird
designer: VirtualLies
designer: Y-graphic design
designer: VirtualLies
designer: nikola1122
designer: nikola1122
designer: Y-graphic design