Logo for an international oriented food-webshop/platform (NL)
Contest details:
- Contest holder: InterTaste
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 150.00
- Start date : 07-10-2016 12:47
- Ending date : 21-10-2016 12:46
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 59
Response rate:
low high
For the to be set up (international) webshops InterTasteClub.com/nl/be/de we are looking for a sleek logo, emphasizing the company ''Intertaste''. The addition Club refers to the online (consumer) branch of the company. On these websites food products from all over the world will be traded, but initially mainly (American) versions of major brands that we do not know in Western Europe; certain flavors of M&M's, Oreo, Fanta etc.
We would like the logo to be a bit business-like, but with a youthful appearance. It should appeal to consumers around the world to become a member. As a company, one-line explanation 'International Brands Supply' is used. This can be added to the logo, but not required. A link to the light blue color we use for the current business would be nice, but certainly not required. See: http://www.pijpersvanzomeren.com/.
We would like the logo to be a bit business-like, but with a youthful appearance. It should appeal to consumers around the world to become a member. As a company, one-line explanation 'International Brands Supply' is used. This can be added to the logo, but not required. A link to the light blue color we use for the current business would be nice, but certainly not required. See: http://www.pijpersvanzomeren.com/.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
InterTaste says :
Excuses Debora, mijn voorkeur gaat uit naar de insteek van andere inzendingen.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer deboradoorn:
Een Interstate highway bord, waarbij de vorm een tong representeert en de gekleurde circkels de verschillende smaken. 360 graden verwijst naar de hele wereld
InterTaste says :
Zeer creatief, erg leuk dat er een onderbouwend verhaal bij zit (als een van de eerste). Misschien iets te Amerikaans georiënteerd en mij niet strak/zakelijk genoeg.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.