Logo for production company start-up
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Richard Matthijsse
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 150.00
- Start date : 03-04-2018 10:04
- Ending date : 11-04-2018 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 81
Response rate:
low high
• Logo mainly based on name: MST Zeeland
• Matching with three related company styles (see logo requirements)
• Simple colour combination, also recognizable in black/white.
• Clear contours
• MST stands for “Matthijsse snijtechniek”. Please use this as subtitle.
Company description:
MST Zeeland is a production company in start-up phase and is managed by family members each owning their own businesses. Background of those companies are: Design / Mechanical Engineering, Maintenance, Blacksmithing. Together we share the need for semi-finished products to use in our own designs and projects, which gives us a reason to start a new business as a family. The idea is to offer the production capacity we don’t use ourselves to other creative and more exclusive manufacturing businesses in the region. The production techniques we offer, right now mostly Abrasive Waterjet Cutting, will be expanded in the future towards a complete range of machinery and techniques to function as a well equipped production facility, suitable for small series of semi-finished products of metal or other materials, while also acting as prototype shop.
Target group:
• Machine factories / Machine industry
• Engineering companies
• Architects
• Artist studio’s
Region: South of The Netherlands, Belgium
Colors, favourites and other requirements
The new logo of MST Zeeland will act as a shared core of three existing companies. The colour and style should match and compliment those house styles:
• www.idomatthijsse.nl (Blacksmithing)
• www.artics-engineering.nl (Mechanical Engineering)
• www.johnnymatthijsse.nl (Maintenance)
The most important match must be with the style of the Blacksmithing company, as the new production company will share the same location/workshop. The existing logo's are attached in a ZIP file.
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tickmyhero says
hope you like it ;)
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tickmyhero says
Hi! Thank you for scores. If you need any adjustments, let me know ;)
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Richard Matthijsse says :
Beste tickmyhero,
Het is een leuk concept aan het worden! Het vierkant komt niet zwaar over, de letters hebben de rondingen van het smederij logo en de kleur sluit subtiel aan. Is het mogelijk twee varianten weer te geven?
1: De tekst snijtechniek laten eindigen in lijn met Zeeland en Matthijsse.
2. De zacht geel gekleurde naast een zwart/wit variant zetten?
We willen graag weten hoe dat overkomt. Bedankt alvast! -
tickmyhero says
I'm really sorry, could you write in English
Richard Matthijsse says :
Hi Tickmyhero, no problem. Same text: Getting nice concept! The square is visually not too heavy, the letters MST has the round shapes of the blacksmith logo and the colour is contributing in a subtle way. Could you show us two variants?
1: Let the lowest text "snijtechniek" end in line with "Zeeland" and "Matthijsse".
2: Show a black/white variant besides the soft yellow toned variant?
We like to know if it both could work out. Thanks in advance! -
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Description by designer tickmyhero:
NEW concept
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