Logo & slogan needed for Dutch internet tech startup PowerPanel.
Contest details:
- Contest holder: joelvanamerongen
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 14-08-2015 11:56
- Ending date : 16-09-2015 11:53
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 41
Response rate:
low high
For the logo DON'T use the globe or a server icon in it. we are building on the Material design standard give by Google.
Check the attachment to have an impression on the application dashboard. The color's are open to discuss.
Company description:
Our company PowerPanel has 4 developers / programmers. We have started on 1 juni 2015 and what to go live white a first beta version end of this year. Our headquarters is located in Haarlem.
Target group:
Our customers are designers, creative company's and off course Internet service providers. every one who does business using the internet can use our platform and are potential a customer for our company.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Use the material design colors from the google specs: https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-color-palette
Description by designer BroccMcPacman:
Did you have something like this on your mind? I made some adjustment, hope you like it. I'm open for more suggestions.
joelvanamerongen says :
Looks nice, Can you check this images: http://www.brandsupply.nl/wedstrijden/logo/logo-slogan-nodig-voor-nieuwe-nederlandse-internet-tech-startup-powerpanel/ontwerpen/36756 for the font type? We like the font used by this logo very! Is it possible to create this in a font like this?
joelvanamerongen says :
And can you please make a few color samples. Color examples: #607d8b or #009688 or #00bcd4.
BroccMcPacman says
I can make adjustments, but not sure I can upload it in next 2 hours.
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joelvanamerongen says :
Nice! Can make the power (on/off) icon a bite more slim / smaller? I Good color choice! Also please try to set the PowerPanel and icon in line (not above).
Thanks! -
BroccMcPacman says
Thanks, I will make adjustments and upload right away.
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