Logo/monogram needed for Kidsandyou.nl child education and coaching on a personal level
Contest details:
- Contest holder: ajs
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 24-05-2017 19:41
- Ending date : 22-06-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 164
Response rate:
low high
The name Kids and you has been chosen to represent this. Also the choice to use an English name has been done on purpose so also foreign parents would feel free to contact for help.
Please design a logo that looks clean and fresh that also can be used as favicon
The concerning website is Kidsandyou.nl
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
primairy color preferred #6b97bf
simulair to the button on the home page.
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Creator 2.0 says
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ajs says :
too complex
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ajs says :
too complex
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ajs says :
proportions not right
like the simplicity -
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ajs says :
less than the other
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Description by designer M3kdesign:
Another simple design which represent contact, trust and love.
Hope you like this sophisticated design.
All the best,
m3kdesign -
ajs says :
we do like this one.
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Description by designer M3kdesign:
Dear ajs,
thank you so much for your constructive and professional feedbacks and ratings.
Here is some updated version.
Hope you like it more.
Creative regards,
m3kdesign.wix.com/portfolio -
ajs says :
don't like this one.
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ajs says :
het logo en de eenvoud er van is top.
het enige is dat het meer het "herbalife" gevoel geeft.
graag toch richting de kleur blauw -
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Description by designer M3kdesign:
Dear ajs,
here is my vision about your company.
This simple abstract, clean and unique symbol represent a kid/baby with balloons which represent a freedom - childhood with parts of "you" who are giving them a freedom to learn to a high personal level.
If you have some suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
Hope you like it.
Kind regards,
m3kdesign.wix.com/portfolio -
ajs says :
Hi M3K,
we like the simplicity and the abstractness, only the symbol is the part we don't like.
you are on the right track only an other symbol and prefered color is blue -
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