Logo/monogram needed for Kidsandyou.nl child education and coaching on a personal level
Contest details:
- Contest holder: ajs
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 24-05-2017 19:41
- Ending date : 22-06-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 164
Response rate:
low high
The name Kids and you has been chosen to represent this. Also the choice to use an English name has been done on purpose so also foreign parents would feel free to contact for help.
Please design a logo that looks clean and fresh that also can be used as favicon
The concerning website is Kidsandyou.nl
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
primairy color preferred #6b97bf
simulair to the button on the home page.
Description by designer kamran_here:
Something more different.
ajs says :
sorry not our taste
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Thank You for your comments Sir.
Another Design for you. -
ajs says :
too business like
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Hi ! Sir please rate my designs so i can know which type of designs you are liking. There is another design for you.
ajs says :
too complex
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Same thing Sir But Little bit variation as you can see i have put CIRCLES instead of SQUARES. Hope you like my designs.
ajs says :
logo is more what we are looking for. only too playfull
kamran_here says
Sir can you give some idea how i can make it less playful ?
Thank you again for your feedback! -
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Hi ! Another logo Sir. I am sure you will like this one. Font can be change if you want. But first the main thing is the design. I hope you like this concept.
ajs says :
logo is more what we are looking for. only too playfull
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Hi ! Sir i have Make it more neat and simple and give a professional touch. If you need any kind of changes do tell me please.
ajs says :
don't like the pointy arms
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Hi ! Another Logo for you. Simple yet professional work. I Hope you like my work.
ajs says :
this is more what we are looking for, but a bit too loving.
kamran_here says
Okay sir got your point. Let me have some more work on it.
Thank you for your feedback! -
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Hi ! Another Logo for you. Simple yet professional work. I Hope you like my work.
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Description by designer kamran_here:
Hi ! This is my first submission on your project. I have made you something more colorful and an elegant modern logo. If you need any kind of changes please tell me. Thank You!
ajs says :
hi there,
sorry to say so, but it is too colorfull, playfull and complex for us.
we look for a strong simple logo. -
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