The Green 11 : design a logo for a new ECO friendly ICT concept
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Green11
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 28-02-2017 12:22
- Ending date : 07-03-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 84
Response rate:
low high
We are looking for a logo for a "green" eco friendly ICT concept.
The logo must be sexy cool and hip
We will use the logo on our website, the product itself and the packaging
Insprire us!
Company description:
Target group:
Our target audience are SOHO and SME
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer VirtualLies:
Good evening,
sure you can have these versions ;) Did you mean it like this? If you have a particular red and/or green color, that you would like to be used, I will adjust that to your preference, just let me know the color code (Hex or RGB).
Kind regards, Dagmar -
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Description by designer VirtualLies:
Thank you again for your positive reaction, attached two variations with exclamation marks. looking forward to hear your opinion,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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Green11 says :
Cool, what happens if you integrate the exclamation mark in the 1 (!). It reads Green!! then.
Green11 says :
Hi this is still the best. If we choose this design can i get it in red, green and can you also create G11 and G11certified?
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Description by designer VirtualLies:
Good evenng green11 team,
thank you for your positive rating. Attached two variations using a different fonttype and a modified image sign. If you have ideas, that might improve the design to your needs, please let me know,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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Description by designer VirtualLies:
Hi green11 team,
thank you for your feedback, attached a version in red as requested,
kind regards, Dagmar | VirtualLies -
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Green11 says :
leuk idee, wat zou er gebeuren als je dit logo rood maakt?
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