The Oriental Shop

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: yuluma
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 299.00
  • Start date : 14-12-2012 15:46
  • Ending date : 15-01-2013 14:30
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 235
  • Response rate:
    low high


For our customer who has great doubts we are looking for a fantastic logo design we will use in there new webshop.

The Oriental Shop sells asian products, think of table and kitchenwear from Japan. There are also bowl sold at the dutch Royal Warehouse the Bijenkorf and therefore the logo should connect with the middleclass. Certainly don't mistake with Chinese shops that ofter are as cheap as possible.

Keywords are: need, design, not to eastern (because it should nog look cheap), young, modern, open with no frames, lotus on the background (not mandatory!), general (they would like to serve people who are not asian freaks as well), stylish

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Logo design # 150178 for The Oriental Shop contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer HBGV:

      Beste opdrachtgever,

      Bij deze stuur ik u mijn eerste opzet voor uw logo.

      Ik ben benieuwd naar uw reactie.

      Met vriendelijke groet,

    2. yuluma says :

      Erg moo! Dit is zeker de kracht en eenvoud waar we naar op zoek zijn. Deze zal ik zeker voorleggen aan onze klant

    3. HBGV says

      Beste Opdrachtgever,

      Bedankt voor uw zeer positieve feedback!

      Ik ben benieuwd hoe uw klant hierop gaat reageren.

      Ik hoop spoedig iets van u te mogen horen…

      Met vriendelijke groet,

    4. Rosemood says

      This «design» is not an original one, it comes from Shutterstock, a ready made image stock (i look for the link and i'll prove this), on the other hand it is not your creation and it is a shame. Why should a client pay 299 bucks for something you did'nt even created your self while he or she can buy it on line for 30 bucks? Pfff


    5. Rosemood says

      I found Lotus Fresh products logo so far, but the one i meant is more alike to the design above and it is red too :S I'll try to find it soon,

    6. HBGV says

      Hello Rosemood,

      I can assure you that my proposal 100% selfmade and it's my own idea to create a lotus flower on this way. It's build off white and red ellipses. I'm doing this work for about 12 years and I never copy or use stock images for my logo proposals, thats not me. I dont like to defence my self on this way and I taste a form of jealous.

      Best regards,

    7. Rosemood says

      Hello, my name is Gregoire Monconduit, i'm not a designer but a french business man. I have a web site and we create and print greeting cards, here is the link

      I'm here to take a look at peoples' designs and propose a design project to those who seem to be more creative to my eyes, i already work with a bunch of them in our office. So it is not certainly about jealousy.

      Best regards,

    8. HBGV says

      Hello Gregoire,

      I can confirm that this proposal is 100% my own idea. I agree with you that it is not fair to use stock images for logo proposals, I love this job and I hate people who copy or use stock images for a logo proposal, that is not fair.

      In the past I work for big companies (CWS, Hero, Philips and ASML) and won a lot of pitches.

      Best regards,

    9. Jona10 says

      Hoi HBGV, ik wil je even op de hoogte brengen. De persoon die zicht uitgeeft voor Rosewood of Gregoire Monconduit is fake. Ik had hem gemaild wat zijn probleem eigenlijk is, hij geeft van die opmerkingen op heel wat ontwerpers. Nu blijft dat er iemand anders zich voordoet in zijn naam. Dit is zijn antwoord "Hello Jonathan

      Thanks for this email
      I will make a longer response in the days to come, but quickly : I went on the brandsupply site with your link, and I am not that guy who wrote as "Gregoire Monconduit" !!
      Someone is using my identity on this site, so first of all thanks a lot for telling that to me. I just can't believe it, but this is it...... How sad....

      I just contacted the guys of BrandSupply (nobody else than me owns my email address, so it will be easy to convince them I hope...), and make you one answer later for the rest of your email

      I will let you know what will happen next

      Have a good evening (and a happy new year to come)
      Grégoire ".

      Ik ga BrandSupply hiervan op de hoogte brengen, want dit is echt niet ok.


    10. The Real Rosemood says

      Hello everybody

      And first of all thank you Jonathan for having contacted me !
      Yes, I am the (one and only) real Gregoire Monconduit. I co-founded a small French company, Rosemood (and I am still working there and co-owning it. We are based in Nantes). We sell on the web personalized cards, mainly birth card announcements on (this information from the "fake me" was correct)

      I am really sorry for what happened, and also quite angry (you can imagine !) against the person who "stole" my identity (I did not know I was "deserving" such a treatment...)
      I contacted Brand Supply (on the French side), I asked them to desactivate the fake Rosemood profile. I will let you know next Monday I guess.

      Anybody who has any question can send me an email at contact at I will be glad to start a more peaceful conversation with you....

      Cheers to everybody
      The Real Gregoire Monconduit

    11. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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