Turletic. Word-(picture-)Logo for sportsfashion & sporty streatwear. Style: unique, exclusive, simple.
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Nibor
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 329.00
- Start date : 03-09-2017 22:32
- Ending date : 10-09-2017 22:31
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 205
Response rate:
low high
"Tru-" means real, original und true, "-letic" means athletic, powerfull and elegant.
Target: men and women. Age 15 to 30 Years.
Its possible to split the word into "true" and "letic". Its also possible to combine the word "truletic" with the gesture for oath ("the oathhand").
Company description:
Target group:
Target: men and women. Age 15 to 30 Years. sporty & fashion-conscious.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
black, simple
gold, elegant
Axel Sonnet
Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor, White version if needed.
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor, with a bit of asymetry & an italic wording, to give some dynamic.
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Axel Sonnet says
@Nibor, Another design with kind of a swore hand but adapted to the brief ( one word logo )
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor, Another design with kind of a swore hand but adapted to the brief ( one word logo )
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor, as swore hands ( curvy & girly ) do not fit with straight font typography, i choose not to display them.
Let me know if it goes in the right direction.
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor , here is new version.
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor , here is new version.
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor, as you asked here is another version with thiner lines , golden logo and classy font.
Axel Sonnet says
you can click on left thumbnail to see it in good resolution
Nibor says :
thank you for your changes! But i prefer the font you´ve used before. I only thougt about thinner lines for the logo. I liked the logo without its surrunding circle most
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
@Nibor :Monogram gold version
Axel Sonnet says
@Nibor, thanks for your feedbacks, would you like me to do some adjustments or other variations ?
Nibor says :
thank you for your work, i really like the proposal! Could you create an additional proposal with just a little bit thinner lines, exactly how you´ve suggested in your description? Besides it would be really kind, if you could show me the logo without the subtitle "streetware" but with the brandname below. Thank you very much for effort!
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Nibor, here is my design with this clean and modern "T & L" monogram, this is flat design so you can see clear shapes, but i will also make a gold version if you like the concept.
Axel Sonnet says
I can also make lines thinner if you need the logo to be more feminine.
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Description by designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Nibor, here is my design with this clean and modern "T & L" monogram, this is flat design so you can see clear shapes, but i will also make a gold version if you like the concept.
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