Turletic. Word-(picture-)Logo for sportsfashion & sporty streatwear. Style: unique, exclusive, simple.
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Nibor
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 329.00
- Start date : 03-09-2017 22:32
- Ending date : 10-09-2017 22:31
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 205
Response rate:
low high
"Tru-" means real, original und true, "-letic" means athletic, powerfull and elegant.
Target: men and women. Age 15 to 30 Years.
Its possible to split the word into "true" and "letic". Its also possible to combine the word "truletic" with the gesture for oath ("the oathhand").
Company description:
Target group:
Target: men and women. Age 15 to 30 Years. sporty & fashion-conscious.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
black, simple
gold, elegant
Nibor says :
Thank you!
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Description by designer UK:
there are some variations with cursive fonts hope you like it!!
Nibor says :
Great work. I really like the upper one, with asymmetrical alignment and with the smooth transition between circle and letter "l". Could you create the same logo with different background colours inside the circle and outside the circle (black and white)? Exactly like you did it for some other designs before. Thank you very much!
UK says
i will fulfill your requirment in few hours thank you !!
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Description by designer UK:
I have uploaded five different fonts variations according to your expectations hope you like it if you want any changes you can feel free to contact me
thanks!! -
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Nibor says :
Thank you UK. I really like your proposal, especially because of the added swore hand. But could you please change the font? In my opinion a font with lowercase would be great, because there would be more space inside the circle. At the moment it appears think its to much.
Nibor says :
*At the moment I think it appears too much.
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Nibor says :
Thank you! I really like this logo, especially the black one. But the brand is called Truletic, not Turletic.
Could you make the Logo a little bit more wider (maskulin), please? Tank you! -
UK says
Thanks for like my submission, i'll submit revise version soon as possible.
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