Create a simple but warm speaking logo for our holistic centre
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Holist
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 319.00
- Start date : 22-12-2015 10:57
- Ending date : 09-01-2016 10:54
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 28
Response rate:
low high
Holistic coaching for horses: Colors are yellow, brown, red and white.
Holistic coaching for couples:Colors are Yellow, brown, white and purple.
We like that the logo is made up of smooth lines that are revealing. Simple, warm and inviting. The three separate logos are reflected in the umbrella logo of the center with any room to add later an additional branch of holistic coaching ... Of course we will also use the logos in communication through websites, stationery etc.
Company description:
In our holistic center, we look at the whole individual. We have developed a unique vision and our guidance will be completely different than it is today in the coaching.
Thus, we apply our vision to the individual man, horse and rider as well as for couples.
The motivation is to bring more awareness within each segment of life itself.
Man, horse or couple that are beautiful in balance, but searching for more deepening in life itself, we offer counseling for emotional or spiritual growth.
Target group:
From babies or foals to retired person or horse.
We are open for everybody who is searching for personal growth.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
The colors that have been described above, are essential to use. Furthermore, we would like -or pastel colors or shades in swipe or stripe effect. (or any effects that are not known to us) - or full colors (the chakracolors)
We like to have the logos in simple lines.
The logo of the couples we have an idea that can be realized; being two people in heart shape at the bottom the feets are touching (the point of the hartshape) and at the top , they make a deep bow to each other, so deep that the head is upside down, looking at themselves And so together creating a heart shape in white and purple.
Description by designer freebird:
wederom het e.e.a. aangepast.
Hartelijke groet,
Jeroen Kraneveld
Freebirds Grafisch Ontwerp -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer freebird:
Hallo, bedankt voor uw positieve feedback. Ik heb het e.e.a. aangepast. Alleen de afbeelding bij duolist die jullie graag willen vind ik niet passen bij de simpele andere afbeeldingen en heb het dus eenvoudig gehouden.
Hartelijke groet,
Jeroen Kraneveld
Freebirds Grafisch Ontwerp -
Holist says :
Mooi gedaan !
We zijn niet weg van de invullingen, maar geloven wel dat hier nog andere mogelijkheden te vinden zijn.
Mss is het ook wel wat om de gekleurde balk van het vorige ontwerp te gebruiken met dan de nieuwe benaming in, evt de balk in veegtechniek ofzo.
Alvast bedankt !!
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Holist says :
Heel mooi ontwerp. Knap gedaan !
Ik heb de tekst beetje aangepast boven. (Moet nog goedgekeurd worden blijkbaar)
De drie onderdelen noemen:
Is het mogelijk om de rode stip te vervangen door bij bv holist een mens, Paardenholist een paard en bij Duolist een koppel zoals omschreven in de must haves.
De invulling/teken in de twee cirkeltjes van mens, paard of koppel liefst zo simpel mogelijk. -
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