Design a new logo (and stationery) for a cloud business software company

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: SwinkelsOnline
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 419.00
  • Start date : 22-04-2016 14:02
  • Ending date : 22-05-2016 14:01
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: psd,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 89
  • Response rate:
    low high


Design a new logo for BizzCloud. After that, the foundation for a stationery set is required.

Keywords in order of priority regarding BizzCloud as a product/solution:
Integrable, customizable, reliable, easy to use, affordable, improves efficiency, increases results, grows with you, scalable, complete, mobile-first, online, cloud, dynamic, smart solutions, for SMB, business software

Keywords in order of priority regarding BizzCloud as a company:
Business partner, customer centric, innovative, modern, flexible, dynamic, smart, dutch product, international (ambitions), start-up

The logo will be used mainly in an online and mobile environment. We do need stationery though, so the standard bizzcard, A4 letter, product sheet, envelop etc. is also required.

Company description:

BizzCloud provides efficiency in the cloud for small and medium sized companies. The enterprise class solutions have a rich functionality that is still easy to use. The fully integrated business solutions are available at very affordable rates to fit the budgets of companies of any size.

We have specialized solutions available for:
- Retail, point of sale (pos) and webshops
- Installation branche, advanced pos solutions with integrated details of 6M+ products
- Clubs and associations, advanced member management
- Webhosting companies, connect webshops with a complete set of other business solutions
- Fleet owners, manage contracts, cars and drivers
- Sole traders, young entrepreneurs

Target group:

For microorganisations and SMB:
Retail and ecommerce
Clubs & associations
Young entrepreneurs
Soul traders, starting entrepreneurs
Mobile first businesses

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Prefered colours: Blue

Disliked colours: red, pink, black, brown.

Logos we like: OneBizz, Salesforce, Shell, NBC,

Logos we don't like: Pink London Olympics logo,

For the logo we need vector images too.
  • Logo & stationery # 603482 for Design a new logo (and stationery) for a cloud business software company   contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 603480 for Design a new logo (and stationery) for a cloud business software company   contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 601722 for Design a new logo (and stationery) for a cloud business software company   contest Submit complaint
    1. says

      Dank u voor de beoordeling.
      Als u nog aanpassingen wenst te zien, hoor ik het graag.

    2. SwinkelsOnline says :


      We willen graag op basis van jouw portfolio verder met jouw design. Wat ons met name aanspreekt in het huidige ontwerp, is het customization-element dat je laat terugkomen in de wolk. Kun je ons een of enkele nieuwe logovoorbeelden laten zien waarbij de volgende elementen terugkomen:
      - Het customization-element, maar dan niet in wolkvorm maar met de letter B in het beeld. Ter inspiratie: zie het logo van of
      - Zowel een variant met het logo voor de naam BizzCloud, als een variant met het logo erboven.
      - We vinden je ontwerp voor TheSellApp mooi. Kun je dit lettertype gebruiken voor BizzCloud, met Bizz iets dikker dan Cloud. En Bizz blauw.
      - Een variant met de kleuren antraciet en blauw zoals je bij DIFLICOM hebt gedaan.
      We horen graag of je hiermee verder kunt en wilt.

      Het BizzCloud team

    3. says

      Top. Dank voor de feedback. Ik zal een paar varianten uploaden.

    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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