Design an original company logo and branding for a new physical therapy practice.
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Erik V
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 419.00
- Start date : 08-04-2016 14:02
- Ending date : 22-04-2016 13:01
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,eps,.al,jpeg,pdf,.png,tif
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 66
Response rate:
low high
The logo will be used in window film and all other communication means.
Company description:
Practice in physical therapy, modern and luxurious interior. Located at the Middenweg, across from historical Park Frankendael, in the suburb Watergraafsmeer in Amsterdam.
Besides being an 'allround physical therapist', my practice is a knowledge and expert centre in the treatment of (chronical) neck and shoulder problems. Additional ultrasound assessment is an extra diagnostic tool of great value. Patients can also rehabilitate after (sports) injuries and surgeries. Another important aspect is a health prevention program: 'get fit, stay fit', for which I provide personal training, (sports) massages and running training. I like an active approach. Recovery of injuries is an active process, that requires work and practice from my patients.
Target group:
I focuss on patients between 25 and 65 years of age. But of course older patients who are recovering from injury or surgery are welcome too.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Logo should not be too (fitness) sports focussed.
Colors of preference: blue, green, white and/or black (Farrow and Ball nr. 85 is a color I like)
Company name: Fysiotherapie Middenweg (large font)
Slogan: zorgt voor u! (small font, letter t italic)
Erik V says :
Dank je wel, maar het is niet helemaal mijn stijl.
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Erik V says :
Idee van de F en de M op deze manier in het logo verwerken is leuk bedacht, maar het is denk ik niet herkenbaar/leesbaar genoeg. Liever een symbool, wat aan fysiotherapie gerelateerd is, aan logo toevoegen. Slogan erg mooi zo. Lettertype mag iets minder stoer en fysiotherapie graag in kleine letters.
Petje says
Hallo Erik V
Dank U wel
Ik heb hem inmiddels aangepast en hoor graag uw feedback op de nieuwe inzending
met creatieve groeten Petje -
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