HIDME needs a new logo and corporate design
Contest details:
- Contest holder: hidme
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 419.00
- Start date : 21-12-2015 18:45
- Ending date : 15-01-2016 09:19
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 102
Response rate:
low high
The logo should be meaningful and modern, but at the same time express the community behind it, because we are a team and we look at our customers as part of HIDME family.
What we offer is the fulfillment of a basic need, namely the desire of own four walls, the home Ownership.
This desire shall be true with a simply unrivaled product, according to the motto "From the Dream into the Space".
Company description:
As the name suggests, we are a agency, exactly arrange contracts of any kind.
For our costumers we develop opportunities to become owner of a property over a solution based on a lease with option of later purchase.
So the creation of a housing cooperative and the development of a special hire-purchase model is planned soon, besides also a solution via property development activity is about to offer to our customers.
Our goal is always the same, to give our costumers always the best service and those solutions of the needs and desires which in the best way fulfill the real needs.
Such as in the difference between suit of the rod and a tailor-made suit .
This is about cohesion, only together with our customers we can develop and operate these products, and there is to be a bond between our customers, after all, they are neighbors of tomorrow.
Target group:
Our main target groups are clearly families with children, who dream of a home and want to realize this dream with us .
There are people who know how important a home is for the future (their own or of the children) because it provides the best precaution in old age.
At the same time, expenses for the rent of the home is highest output in the family budget.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
In principle, we find the colors blue and red to match our activities, however we are open for proposals in all directions.
As we let design both the logo and corporate design here an advantage, it gets anyway a line with regard to the color design .
After we bring this project to the end, we will also let us make a design of our Facebook page in order.
If there are any questions, do not hasitate.
Just as additional information , we took bought the project from one of our ex- business partner, he has already designed a logo, which we does not like, the website is www.hidme.eu.
Have fun while working, we look forward to get your suggestions
Blue Nights Design
Blue Nights Design says
Dobar dan, kada sam htela da vam napisem da sam postavil ono sto ste trazili, videla sam da nema mog rada. Evo imate postavljen novi rad i to izvor od koga sam pocela, ostalo su varijacije. "Preorite" net sigurna sam da necete naci isti rad, ako podjem tom analogijom svaka kuca ili zgrada je onda iskopirana, preslikana. https://images.google.com/ preko njega mozete da potrazite ili pogledate da li je slika iskopirana. Imate i link koji su vam dostavili koji ste meni prosledili pa usporedite, sta drugo mogu da kazem. Neki pojedinci ne mogu da se pomire sa porazom/neznanjem je bolja rec, danima su opsedali. Da vas ne smaram ovo je moj rad koji je atohotan. Svako dobro i uspeha u poslu vam zelim.
ps: pogledajte predhodne radove i videt ce te isti stil, koji je izgradjen, jednostavno prepoznatljiv.
Pzdrav Sonja M. -
hidme says :
Draga Sonja,
nama se fakat svida vas rad!
Vi ste vec dobitnik ovog natjecanja, u tome vise nije stvar.
Vjerujemo da vi kao ekspert znate najbolje da li je nesto autohotno ili ne. U svakom slucaju nam se vas dizajn najvise svidjeo. Razumijemo da ljudi tesko trpe poraze.
Sad se radi samo o detaljima samog dizajna vizit kartice ili stranice, koverte..
Mogu li vas zamoliti da postavite jedno po jedno kako bi lakse mogli doci do cilja i nama bilo lakse komentarisati te stvari pojedinacno.
Sve u svemu, odlican rad!
Mozda je najbolje da mi posaljete Email, na "moje prezime" ludo a hidme.eu, ukoliko ova stranica to dozvoljava..
Srdacan pozdrav iz Beca!
Aziz Drobic -
hidme says :
Ovdje vas molim da nam napravite dizajn za ovakvu jednu mapu, koristite isto sto imamo i na zaledini A4 stranice.
Hvala puno!
Lijep pozdrav -
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hidme says :
ovaj skroz gornji logotip je nas odabir.. Hvala
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hidme says :
Komentarisao sam vas najzadnji dizajn, pogledajte gore
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Blue Nights Design says
Ovo je moje vidjenje loga za vasu firmu. H pocetno slovo vaseg naziva, krov simbolizuje stambeni prostor u bilo kom pogledu a krug predstavlja neraskidivost porodice, zajednice. Mislim da sam tako obuhvatila sve aspekte koje ste izneli u konkursu.
Sonja -
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