HOw much energy and fun can you add to a Logo?
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Florence Damen
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 419.00
- Start date : 30-06-2017 09:38
- Ending date : 07-07-2017 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 76
Response rate:
low high
- energy
- enthousiasme
- development
- inspiration
- and continuous movement
The logo should represent: young, fresh, and encourages action! When my (to be) customers see the logo they feel like reading on, contacting Flow Development etc....
Company description:
Flow Development is my own company in vitality-coaching and advice . My mission is to bring all people in a flow! The result is that people go back to work or start their day with a huge pile of energy and fun every other day! I achieve this by developing programmes, giving workshops and by individual coaching. Three main pointers are: healthy food, enough physical movement and mental power. Beside coaching and advice i am trainer in runningsports and bootcamps.
Examples: right now i work for an international recruitment company. It is my job to reduce stress and to enhance physical movement.
I also worked for an logistics company which question was to keep an relatively elder workforce fit ( litteraly and metaphorical).
Target group:
Businesses; which have their key focus on vitality and sustainable employability.
Besides this also consumer who are in need of more energy and new inspiration. People which are ready to develop themselves by working on both physical as well as mental power. This wil result in happy, balanced and inspiring people. Let give some flow to the world!
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Fresh colours, energetic colours, e.g. apple green, cyclaam pink, orange . The colours green and white giv eme a meaning of natural, energy, power and freshness.
logo's should symbolize rough and energetic, feet on the ground...
I like the Nike swoosh!
Description by designer Blueniletech:
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.