logo + corporate identity naturopathic practice
Contest details:
- Contest holder: GezondZwangerPraktijk
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 150.00
- Start date : 01-11-2016 10:57
- Ending date : 21-11-2016 10:56
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 74
Response rate:
low high
Logo and corporate identity: I want it to be mature, modern, hip and exclusive with a clear link to nature / nutrition / health. The one-to-one consultation, but also balance are important factors.
Company description:
In 2017 I will start my naturopathic practice "Healthy Live Practice"(Gezond Leven Praktijk in Dutch). In this practice, I will treat women between 20 and 45 years with physical problems and diseases. I'll do this through one-on-one counseling in three packages: one day personal assistance, a 10-day detox or an 6-months accompaniment. In this intensive packages I am the source of information for these women and they can reach me every day and they do not need to wait for our regular appointments. I want to give them back trust in their bodies and grip on their lives and health. My advice is based on an extensive intake and additional (laboratory) tests and consist of nutrition and supplementation advice, tailored to individual needs. I'll cooperate with general practitioners and specialists, to provide effective complementary care. Since 2015 I have "Healthy Pregnant practice" (Gezond Zwanger Praktijk in Dutch) in which I advised women who have fertility problems. I want to bring my present practice as a trade mark in my new practice Gezond Leven Praktijk.
I work from the vision that each disease / disorder arose from an underlying physical imbalance. I'm going to detect this imbalance and treat it with diet and supplements. Ultimately, this leads to a healthy life (and in the case of fertility problems to a good fertility and thus a pregnancy / child)
Target group:
My target audience are women between 20 and 45 years. They have a steady job, a steady income and are at the heart of life. They have a husband and (the desire for) a family. They are very busy (work, home, parenting, friendships), but often have to drop out because of their physical symptoms. This feels like failure for these women. They lose the confidence in their bodies and themselves more and more. They no longer feel like full/real women. They are interested in complementary / alternative medicine. Because of this interest, they know that they have other options besides medication and regular care.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
I'm not looking for a green apple or a wheat stalk as logo, apple green or a female figure in the sky. I love fresh pastel colors (mint, pink, pastel green) and to see them combined with black / white. The logo should be dynamic, but not too many small details (also in small it must be clearly visible). It would be nice if the logo also makes clear that it is one-on-one counseling (eg two faces looking at each other, two figures that fit together) and the exclusive, more luxurious feel.
GezondZwangerPraktijk says :
Thanks for the design. I like the logo's, but I don't love them. Maybe you can take a look to my current logo (www.gezondzwangerpraktijk.nl). This logo is not what I want anymore (not serious), but it is very different from other naturopathic practices. Maybe you can integrate that idea in your design?
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