Unique new concept: Refugee Works: jobs for refugees
Contest details:
- Contest holder: dannydenhartog
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 100.00
- Start date : 09-11-2015 12:15
- Ending date : 21-11-2015 12:00
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 20
Response rate:
low high
Main USPs/ values of company:
Personal contact, social, professional (matching between employers and refugees), entrepreneurial. Individual matching. Empowering people, looking at strengths and skills of refugees instead of looking at them as a 'problem'.
Please also comment on company name Refugee Works, is that the best name?
Company description:
Refugee Works believes in the potential of refugees. If we empower and train refugees, they will make great and valuable employees and even may start own businesses.
Refugee Works is unique in that it is co-owned and operated by refugees. The first jobs that we will create will be the jobs @ Refugee Works.
We aim to create the perfect match between refugees and employers, hereby looking at the talent and drive of refugees and the needs of Dutch employers.
The ultimate dream and goal of Refugee Works is to be redundant, to live in a society where there is 0% unemployment, both for ordinary Dutch people and refugees.
Target group:
Refugees and employers
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer darina:
Hi Danny,
Great initiative! It’s very interesting project. I’m sure, it’ll be successful!
Here is my first proposal for the logo. Please, let me know what you think and if I’m on the right direction.
I’m open to provide you revisions or to create new options.
dannydenhartog says :
Hi Darina, like it! Definitely in the right direction, can you create a few other options as well? Why did you select these colors? Any specific reason? Nice evening
darina says
Hi Danny,
Thanks for the comment and high rating!
Yes, the colors have a special meaning. I’ve chosen the orange color to represent the Netherland, because it is related to the Netherland’s country, folk and history. I’ve chosen the charcoal color to represent the refugees, because it is a neutral color, but well distinctive and in my opinion it works well with combination of orange color.
Please, let me know if you have any other ideas or preference about the colors.
I’ll think about any other concepts and I’ll upload them later today or tomorrow.
Regarding the website templates, please check out these websites:
Here you’ll find some templates for one page websites. You can download it for free, but you’ll have to make the customization by yourself, or to find someone to help you with the changes.
Here is another website with templates: http://www.weebly.com/themes/ This is a web platform where you can make the customization by yourself. You don’t need to have knowledge from css, html etc.. it is very easy to use it. Actually I’ve built my website via this platform.
Which font type I would recommend?
I think that the font style will depends of the website template which you’ll choose. But in my opinion, the sans serif fonts will be preferable and suitable for the strong look of the website.
I’m open if you have any other comments or questions.
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dannydenhartog says :
I like the charcoal color front side of the design
dannydenhartog says :
Let's use this one. Could you send me the proposed layout for A4 letters? Many thanks
update says
Juste pour te dire que ton logo est chouette ! vraiment ! bien trouve ! -
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Description by designer darina:
Hi Danny,
Thanks for the comments!
Here is the reworked option of my first concept. I changed the orange to a bit brighter and distinctive orange color and I revised the human’s profiles a bit. Also I placed the logo on the web template that you’ve chosen, just to see how it works.
Please, let me know what you think.
Regarding the fonts.. I like the current fonts on “Agency” template. It is a combination of Sanserif and serif fonts, but I think that it looks very strong. I like that the main text (the serif font) is showing in a bit lighter shade of black.. That makes the whole look very fine and well balanced.
dannydenhartog says :
Hi, I like it can you pls proceed designing business card? Best, Danny
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dannydenhartog says :
Hi Darina, looks colorful, but prefer the other 2 over this symbol
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Description by designer darina:
Hi Danny,
Here are two more logo proposals from me.
I've used different colors and logo concepts. Let's see what you think and I'll make revisions.
Looking forward to hear your comment!
Een fijne dag toegewenst.
Dari -
dannydenhartog says :
Hi Darina, I prefer the first one that you created, but am not completely sure about the colors, I like that you used orange also to symbolize Dutch, but it feels a little bit cold still, any suggestions on how we can make it feel a bit warmer?
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