We are looking for a logo / corporate identity
Contest details:
- Contest holder: niek83
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 230.00
- Start date : 22-09-2016 14:33
- Ending date : 21-10-2016 14:32
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 65
Response rate:
low high
The customers need to see, taste and sense all the happiness of Mexico while enjoying the mezcal.
Mexican people are well known for celebration life and don't fear the death. The death is a new step in a new life and that's what Mexicans believe in and celebrate. The skull, used on death day, is seen as a happy image by giving it many colors and painted images on and around it.
We want the logo, style to have this sensation. It needs to represent Mexico and her culture!
The whole style needs to trigger people to buy the bottles in the store. It's needs to make them curious what it's in the bottle and what the taste will do with them..
Good to know about the product; the taste and strength of mezcal will provide a happy sensation. After a couple of shots you can speak all you want.. It makes you out going.. Talk a lot like a real Mexican.
Mezcal is made from the Maguey (agave) plant.. we would like to see some elements of this plant in the design.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Y-graphic design
Description by designer Y-graphic design:
How about this one?
niek83 says :
It's an interesting concept too. I only miss the agave plant. maybe put the agave plant instead of the rose on the front head. In the logo on the white the details in the skull kind of disappear.
Is it also possible to put colors in the details of the skull (example: http://www.clipartkid.com/images/367/sugar-skull-clip-art-gBxCRK-clipart.jpeg). -
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Description by designer Y-graphic design:
This one?
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Description by designer Y-graphic design:
Something more like this?
niek83 says :
I left some feedback on the one you deleted. I think it would be good to give the skull and the plant some color; so it jumps out of it. Our wish is to put the logo on a blank bottle so it's important that the logo is powerful and draws attention to the customers.
How the logo is right now is more for a watermark on a website or a commercial photo.
Besides that I think that the patterns should be a little less but still in an aztec way. I think it's a little bit too busy right now! -
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niek83 says :
I like the total picture as an corporate identity. Something like a watermark as a background for a website.
But as a logo I miss colors in the image that gives the happy celebration sensation. Besides that I think the agave/ meguey plant doesn't look like to much like agave plant. It's too flat. -
Y-graphic design says
What if I put the gradient into the logo, fill the little squares and than put the logo on a white background?
niek83 says :
By the way, I like the letters you have used in this images! Can you make it with the word Mezguey.
The patterns (little squares) in the circle are nice too. Can you get it closer to a bit more like the aztec pattern style. (look for the aztec calendar) -
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