Legendary Armors by "Les Cuirs de Belfeui"
Contest details:
After selecting a craftsman and a theme guideline by armor, we need a drawing for each of them to go further in the process.
Company description:
The BdSpartan community is a platform for exchange and thinking on new digital technologies.
Target group:
Craftsman Cuirs de Belfeuil (https://www.facebook.com/Lescuirsdebelfeuil)
Colors, favourites and other requirements
The target of this challenge is to present relevant sketches (front, side, details) for the craftsman who will be responsible for estimating and build armors.
The first batch of armor consists of:
- Knight of the Winged Horse and the Divinity Protector of Saint-Michel,
- Knight of the Lion and the Divinity Protector of Saint-George,
- Knight of the Wolf and the Divinity Protector of Saint-Eloi,
The selection criteria are:
- 50%: respect the spirit of the armor (Animal and Divinity Protector)
- 30%: charisma of the armors
- 20%: details on each of the parts of the armor
anowi says
Hallo This is my first sketch of your idea I´m waiting for your opinion...
Thanks Anowi -
Mickael says :
This is definitely what I'm waiting for about the body armor. I would maybe replace the horse's head by a simple templars cross.
About the helmet and the arms protection : I'm expecting something more inspired by the famous Pegasus from Saint Seiya ^^
Thanks for your implication ;-) -
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