Freshen up existing design of logo and website for female IT freelancer
Contest details:
- Contest holder: mlmdegroot
- Category: Webpage design
- Total budget: € 299.00
- Start date : 25-03-2013 16:33
- Ending date : 08-04-2013 16:30
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 18
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
Pick my Brain specializes in designing software on a functional level, for offshore development. Because programmers and clients are in a different country, the demand for clear software specifications is even stronger. Furthermore, attention to the communication is important, because of differences in location, time and culture. Pick my Brain discusses with the client what his ideas are, translates these into clear software specifications for the programmer and makes sure the programmer thoroughly understands what is needed. On delivery the client is trained in using the delivered software or website.
Target group:
My direct clients are usually software companies with developers abroad. It could also be design agencies that outsource web development, or end clients.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
(See attached files and current website:
Logo and style:
I'd like to keep the color pink (#C91F82), the font used for the name (Moolboran) and the idea of the arrow (connecting the parties involved to move forward together), although the arrow design can be a bit different. I like the combination of pink with dark grey (e.g. #1A1A1A), and currently used secondary colors are blue (#1B1389) and green (#578E23). These can be changed. I like a feminine touch, but it has to give a professional impression. I like the concept of a pattern with the logo (see business card), but the current one is a bit too cheerful to use on bigger surfaces. To add some organic shapes, I would like to do something with the China blossom.
The website currently has the layout of the Functional Design documents that I make: Large image area on the left, explanation on the right, with letters indicating what the explanation is about. I like the setup, but it's not perfect yet. The footer could be more involved in the design.
Description by designer LK:
Beste Marion,
Hierbij een opzet voor een logo. Ik zou graag horen wat je er van vind. Schroom niet om kritiek te geven, aanpassingen zijn altijd mogelijk.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Luuk -
mlmdegroot says :
Beste Luuk,
Dank voor je voorstel. Ik snap dat het met zo'n bedrijfsnaam voor de hand ligt, maar ik vind het niet zo mooi om iets met hersens te doen. De cartoon-stijl van de hersens past ook niet zo bij me. De naam in afwisselende kleuren vind ik wel een leuk idee. Goed dat je kapitalen tegenover kleine letters zet. Ik denk toch dat ik kleine letters mooier vind. -
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